jal chaalit example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. hydraulic adjective (hydraulicus Latin, Greek hudraulikos) Relating to water 2. 159): • These large nuclear power plants, due to the high investment cost and the relatively low fuel prices, are economically closer hydraulic systems Investments 3. Appeared, from the beginning of modern times, in the writings of hydraulic engineers, it was developed and enriched in the late nineteenth century with the rise of geomorphology 4. Daniel Bernoulli (1700-1782), in his Hydrodynamica book reviews the most hydraulic problems of the time 5. He built religious buildings, hydraulic works undertaken for refueling of Tunis; he protected Sidi Ben Arous, particularly venerated marabout Tunisians

Given are the examples of hindi word jal chaalit usage in english sentences. The examples of jal chaalit are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., hydraulic.

But, how do we conserve and manage water? Archaeological and historical records show that from ancient times we have been constructing sophisticated hydraulic structures like dams built of stone rubble, reservoirs or lakes, embankments and canals for irrigation.

In ancient India, along with the sophisticated hydraulic structures, there existed an extraordinary tradition of water-harvesting system.
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